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Home School Agreement

Home School Agreement

Updated: September 2024

This agreement has been developed with staff, parents and pupils

Home School Agreement

Aims and Vision

At Broadhurst we are a learning community with the children very much at the heart of everything that we do. Our main aim is to encourage the children to develop a life long love of learning whilst giving them the skills and values to become positive citizens of the future.

We believe that a strong partnership between home and school is the foundation for a successful education and we value the contributions that parents and carers make to the life of the school. It is important to us that the children have an excellent start in our Early Years Foundation Stage and we recognise the significant role of parents in helping their child to progress.

Our ethos is inclusive and caring and we aim to support and nurture every child to achieve their best. All our children have talents and strengths and we believe it is vital to provide them with the opportunities to develop their strengths, behave well, support each other and grow in confidence.

In order to do this we have developed an exciting and stimulating curriculum to fully engage the children to enjoy learning and make excellent progress. We aim to adapt our teaching and learning around the needs and abilities of all our pupils.

Our aims for the children:

  • We value each child as a unique individual
  • Each child is supported and encouraged to achieve their best in a nurturing and caring environment
  • We have high expectations in a ‘can do’ culture where the children rise to the challenge
  • Our curriculum is stimulating and develops the children’s, enjoyment, confidence, ability to think and reason, ability to cooperate and share ideas, resilience and independence
  • Our curriculum reflects the society in which we live, including, using the latest technology, awareness of cultural diversity,  developing tolerance and global responsibility
  • We develop the children’s experience of nature and outdoor spaces by using it as a teaching resource
  • We foster a sense of community amongst parents, staff, pupils and the local area
  • Every child has a voice and a feeling of ownership of the school


Co-op Academy Broadhurst staff will: 

  • respect the rights of all children and encourage them to develop positive relationships
  • encourage children to do their best at all times
  • create a secure, stable and positive environment where children feel confident and safe
  • undertake annual safeguarding training and work with families and other agencies to safeguard our children
  • provide a full and balanced curriculum and opportunities for home learning
  • keep parents/carers informed of their child’s progress at regular meetings
  • provide parents/carers with a record of their child’s educational progress
  • keep parents/carers informed about new policies and developments at school
  • help children learn how to use online content responsibly
  • make sure the children understand the Co-op ways of being and follow the co-op values
  • respect children’s opinions and ensure they have a say in decisions that affect them
  • follow the school’s restorative justice approach to ensure children are treated fairly

  Staff signatures:


At Co-op Academy Broadhurst I am expected to:

  • always do my best and take responsibility for my own learning
  • be kind and polite to everyone in the academy
  • look after our academy and everyone in it
  • make sure that my homework is done and handed in on time
  • wear my PE kit to school on the correct day
  • wear the academy uniform
  • use the internet safely and sensibly
  • follow the academy and class rules
  • behave well at all times
  • enjoy learning and playing at our school.
  • tell a member of staff if I am worried about anything
  • respect each other's rights and support and encourage each other
  • Follow the Co-op 4 ways of being:
  • · Be Yourself Always
  • · Show You Care
  • · Succeed Together
  • · Do What Matters Most


Pupil’s signature:


We would like home to:

  • ensure that your child attends school regularly and punctually
  • be on time to collect your child at the end of the day
  • support the school in encouraging a positive attitude to learning
  • support your child with reading and other relevant learning at home
  • support your child to engage in remote learning
  • attend parents’ meetings relevant to your child’s education
  • inform the school if there are any factors or concerns which may affect your child’s education
  • help your child to use the internet responsibly
  • support the school’s uniform and behaviour policies.
  • Encourage children to engage in the wider curriculum and outdoor activities

Parent’s/Carer’s signature: