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Co-op Academy Broadhurst CRL Programme & Policy 2024-2025

Co-op Academy Broadhurst CRL programme & policy

2024 -25

Approved by: AGC

Date : 28/10/22

Last reviewed on: 18/10/24

Next review due by: 18/10/25

Careers Leader :   Mrs McIntosh

1.0 Rationale and Vision

The Co-op Academy Trust  is committed to ensuring all our students have access to high quality  career related learning (CRL) opportunities throughout each stage of their development. Our CRL programmes will inspire, raise aspirations and give our students an optimistic outlook on life.

At Co-op Academy Broadhurst the vision for the development of CRL is to provide the very best opportunities to enable  our pupils to broaden their horizons and raise aspirations.  We want our children to see a clear link and purpose between their learning experiences and their future. Our programme promotes equality of opportunity, gives exposure to the world of work, celebrates diversity and challenges stereotypes.

1.1 We are always  guided by our Coop values:

Do what matters most

What matters most is ensuring that our students achieve the best possible outcomes.

Be yourself, always

We bring our best self to work, so that we each contribute a bit of our own unique Co-op difference, and respect others for doing the same.

Show you care

We care about our Co-op, our colleagues, our members, our students, their parents and communities, now and for the future.

Succeed together

Co-operating is what makes us different; we’re better and stronger when we work together.

2.0 Intent

Our CRL program is both  bespoke  and unique to our academy  and is reviewed on an annual basis to meet our children's needs based on internal monitoring and evaluation processes.   We are committed to providing a  coherently planned and sequenced  programme  that reflects our academy’s context and core values. Our programme is designed  to entitle all children to develop their  knowledge, skills, understanding and cultural capital to support them to go  on to positive destinations that meet their aspirations and interests.  With this in mind we aim:-

  • To broaden children’s horizons and raise aspiration with the ultimate aim of improving social mobility
  • To support the raising of standards of achievement and attainment for all children, especially by increasing motivation, attitude to learning and attendance
  • To reinforce the importance of numeracy and literacy in later life
  • To support inclusion, challenge stereotyping and promote equality of opportunity
  • To excite and motivate children about their curriculum learning by ensuring there are strong links between education and the world of work.
  • To develop enterprise and essential life skills
  • To help children to learn about, and develop,  their skills and qualities to instil greater self confidence
  • To  tailor CRL learning / events to meet the needs of all our children through appropriate differentiation
  • To involve parents and carers whenever appropriate
  • To use  current labour market information (LMI) to enable children, staff and parents  to  engage actively with  local and national CRL information  so that they can increase their knowledge and understanding about the world of work.
  • To use all  feedback to reflect on our current provision to develop our future CRL program
  • To provide additional support to specific vulnerable groups such as SEND and pupil premium
  • To monitor and evaluate current provision in order to ensure our program  is quality assured in line with other curriculum areas  
  • To share best practice with other Co-op academies at network events to ensure reflection and development of own program 
  • To ensure each key stage get a least 1 employer encounter
  • To achieve / work towards a Quality in Careers award in recognition of all that our academy offers 

2.1 Learner entitlement

All children are entitled to consistent and whole school delivery of CRL to ensure they understand who they could become and develop a healthy sense of self to enable them to reach their full potential. This will include real life experiences of the workplace, physically in KS2 and virtually in EY / KS1

2.2 Planning & curriculum

Planning for CRL is included in the long term PSHE planning. Teachers are encouraged to explore links to careers through the core and non-core curriculum when possible both implicitly and explicitly. It is recognised that opportunities are often spontaneous, following the children’s learning, experiences and ideas.

2.3 Approaches to teaching and learning

The curriculum is approached in a variety of ways, using a range of teaching and learning styles. In CRL we place emphasis in active learning including the pupils in circle times, role play, research and enterprise activities. Visits, and visitors, will also form part of our CRL curriculum. Through the curriculum we will aim to give children real life, authentic experiences of the world of work.

2.4 Visitors and visits 

It is recognised that visits and visitors will form part of CRL. Our CRL leader will actively seek relevant and meaningful encounters from a wide range of sectors and providers. Please also see the Trust Health and Safety Policy regarding risk assessment for visits and our Safeguarding Policy for visitors on site.

2.5 Assembly programme

The assembly programme  for CRL is devised by our CRL lead and will support teaching in class through a range of different approaches. Our CRL lead will deliver a range of  assemblies on job opportunities within different  subjects to link learning to life.  Teachers will also deliver assemblies on different careers which will reflect the results of our aspirations survey in KS1/2. Aspirational visitors will also be included in the assembly programme. The CRL assembly programme is to be devised by the CRL lead and the Headteacher

2.6 Parental Engagement

Parental engagement in CRL is based around raising parents’ awareness of the nature of their supportive role in their child’s future. Engaging parents is a key driver when delivering career development activities and CRL should raise aspirations for the parents and their children. We will also look for parent / extended family CRL opportunities to complement  our CRL program.


3.0 Implementation

Our program is taught via bespoke activities and events, subject curriculum and extracurricular activities, and a wide range of enrichment activities.

CRL is delivered by a range of providers such as teachers and support staff,  FE Colleges, Universities, visiting speakers, employers and employees.  This delivery includes bespoke workshops, assemblies, project / challenge / enterprise days and  via subject curriculum.  Our staff  receive regular CPD to support them in embedding essential skills into their subject areas.  Our parents can access our academy's website which provides clear links to a range of CRL related events and information about local market information (LMI) . The CRL events / activities outlined below are all planned to take place over the year in addition to CRL in the curriculum.

Autumn Term

Key stage

Activity / event / curriculum (linked to BM)

Intended learning outcome


Employer Encounters:  School crossing patrol



                                     Builder / Bricklayer

                                     Chef - School Cook

Co-op Core Offer - Role play jobs activity

Cbeebies - Whats in your bag? 

To know about different jobs that people do and learn about stereotypes.

To know about different jobs that people do and learn about stereotypes.


Skills Builder Assemblies

Aspirations discussions

Y1-Encounter with a Project Officer for Moston Brook

Y2-Visit to a local library to talk to a librarian

Remind about the skills and how they link to jobs

To see what aspirations the children have as a baseline and to inform future CRL activities

Learn about local jobs and jobs linked to the environment

Learn about local jobs linked to the curriculum


Skills Builder Assemblies

Aspirations Audit - Google form

Y3- visit from a Geologist

Y4-chocolatier to visit

Y4-invite a local MP/Councillor to talk to the class

Remind about the skills and how they link to jobs

To see what aspirations the children have as a baseline and to inform future CRL activities

To learn how science in the classroom links to careers in science

Learn about different jobs - linked to the curriculum

Link to the Co-op Curriculum


Skills Builder Assemblies

Aspirations Audit - Google form

Y5-Chair of Govs to talk about his role and equality within the business. (Co-op Curriculum)

Y6- Electrician to visit school

Remind about the skills and how they link to jobs

To see what aspirations the children have as a baseline and to inform future CRL activities

Learn about some of the different jobs and careers in the Co-op

Linking jobs to the curriculum/learn about apprenticeships


Skills Builder Training

Strategy meeting with Skills Builder associate

Lead to attend CRL meeting

Staff meeting

Networking, reflect on progress so far and aspirations for the year

Set priorities and actions for the year

Information of new events/support for the year

Share policy, programme and ‘to do list’

Spring Term

Key stage

Activity / event / curriculum

Intended learning outcome


Employer encounters: Nurse


                                    Fire Fighter

                                    Police Officer

To know about different jobs that people do and learn about stereotypes.


Skills Builder Assemblies

KS1-Co-op Core Offer - Career stereotypes

Y1- Toymaker visit

Y2- Female Firefighter to visit

Remind about the skills and how they link to jobs

Investigate jobs and challenge stereotypes

Investigate creative jobs

Learn about stereotypes


Skills Builder Assemblies

Y3- visit from a physiotherapist

Y4- visit The Royal Exchange

LKS2-Co-op Core Offer - Alphabet jobs

Remind about the skills and how they link to jobs

Learn about different jobs in the NHS

Learn about the different jobs in a theatre including lighting technician and sound engineer

Identify a range of jobs (the more obscure the better) to expand knowledge of types of careers


Y5- visit from Raichael (Manchester Environmental Education Network)

Y6- visit to Manchester University

Our Parliament to visit Westminster

UKS2-Co-op Core Offer - Career Crossover

Roles in ECO and supporting the fight against climate change

Learn about education beyond Secondary School and 6th form

Learn about how a real parliament works and what an MP does

Making links between subjects, jobs and careers


Lead to attend CRL meeting

Y6 Teacher to organise WoW Careers Week

Skills Builder flexible support time (CRL lead)

Updates and sharing best practices

Plan and book key employers to engage during the week

Review actions so far and

Summer Term

Key stage

Activity / event / curriculum

Intended learning outcome


Employer encounters: Cabin Crew

                                    Train Driver


To know about different jobs that people do and learn about stereotypes.


Skills Builder Assemblies

KS1-Co-op Core Offer - Our neighbourhood

Y1-Encounter with an NHS Worker

Y2-Investigate jobs in coastal towns

Y2-Co-op Core Offer - When I grow up

Remind about the skills and how they link to jobs

Jobs roles in the area - Link to LMI

Learn about the variety of jobs in the NHS with a focus on stereotypes

Learn how employment and jobs vary according to area.

Reflect on jobs and research ones interested in


Skills Builder Assemblies

Aspirations Audit at the end of term

Y3- visit a local Co-op shop (Angel Square) and meet the local manager.

Y4- Steve Hawkins our Music teacher to talk about his role

Y4- visit to Manchester Art Gallery

LKS2-Co-op Core Offer-WoW my neighbourhood

KS2 Careers Fair

Careers Week

Remind about the skills and how they link to jobs

To see what aspirations the children have as a baseline and to inform future CRL activities

The manager to talk about self responsibility (Co-op value) and how they show this individually and collectively.

Pupils learn about jobs in music

To learn about jobs in the Art Gallery

Jobs roles in the area - Link to LMI

To learn about different jobs and careers

Learn about different jobs and complete activities about them


Skills Builder Assemblies

Aspirations Audit at the end of term

Y5- visit Connell College

Y6-World of Work Career Week

KS2 Careers Fair

Careers Week

Remind about the skills and how they link to jobs

To see what aspirations the children have as a baseline and to inform future CRL activities

Pupils to learn about life after Secondary School

Learn about jobs, skills, pathways and applying for roles

To learn about different jobs and careers

Learn about different jobs and complete activities about them


Plan and deliver the Skills Builder Challenge Day

Deliver Careers Week activities - 20th May

CRL lead to attend end of year meeting

Showcase the skills learned

Learn about jobs, pathways and future careers

Evaluate the year and set targets for the next

4.0 Impact 

Measuring the impact of our CRL programme supports us to develop it on a termly / annual basis and to know that we are making a positive and empowering difference. We value  quantitative and qualitative feedback from all stakeholders and ensure our evaluations lead to change / amendments in our future planning. We undertake internal and external quality assurance to ensure our intent and implementation  is in-line with our expectations. Our CRL program aims to demonstrate the following impact:

  • Raise in aspirations (aspiration data)
  • Increased understanding of stereotypical jobs (google forms)
  • Feedback and evaluation for all events, both quantitative and qualitative
  • Increase in attendance / reduction in PA over time
  • Reduction in behaviour incidents including Ftex / Pex over time
  • Increase in progress  / attainment over time
  • Progress and achievement data over time with reference to vulnerable groups i.e SEND
  • Development of employability skills after key events
  • Range of employer engagement increasing

5.0 Useful websites

5.1 For staff

Offers guidance to primary and secondary school students in making decisions about future careers and professions).

Special section dedicated to primary resources / best practice

Information on STEM related careers for primary age students

The world of work resources and activities for KS2

PSHE KS1 / KS2: What's my job?! Network KS2 lessons: ‘Job skills, influences and goals’

EYFS Activities: Essential experiences… Learning about jobs 

Resources for primary staff to deliver engaging career-related learning for their pupils, with tools, information and resources available including a self-assessment quiz for schools and examples of innovative practice

Career resources that work in the classroom. These are designed to support young people at different stages, from primary five through secondary and beyond.

Everyone needs eight essential skills to succeed - whatever their path in life. Skills builder provides a range of resources for building these skills in a home setting - all underpinned by the Skills Builder Framework. Resources are available for learners aged 4 to 20+.

5.2 Research

Exploring the career aspirations of primary school children from around the world

What works? Career-related learning in primary schools 

Framework for implementing CRL

5.3 Careers Games  (KS2)    (KS2)

Which Animal Are You? In under five minutes, discover:  your strengths and what makes you tick  / what you're like as a boyfriend or girlfriend /  which celebrities share your personality type. There are 16 possible results, each connected to an animal

5.4 Labour Market Information (LMI)

Provide career inspiration to help you make that important next step to reach your FutureGoals. Creative Industries, Digital, Manufacturing and Engineering, Construction, Professional services and Health and Social Care are all key sectors for Leeds City Region. Our way of living has changed quite a lot recently. Now, more than ever, it’s really important to keep our brains active and challenged. Without the daily structures that we’re used to, self-motivation is a really vital skill that we need to nurture and develop.

FutureGoals Remote tests your communication and planning skills, it develops your creative thinking and challenges you to think outside of the box. You will tackle activities that help you to problem solve, become innovative and step into a range of different career sectors. These resources have been designed to help you learn skills that local employers are looking for such as; communication, planning and research, problem solving, creativity, organisation and self-reflection FutureGoals Remote resources - “Create it!” -


5.5 Parents